
Beat the Heat and Stay Safe on the Roads


Atlanta summers are notorious for their scorching temperatures and sweltering humidity. While the city offers plenty to enjoy during the summer months, the heat can take a toll on your vehicle and make driving more challenging. From overheating engines to tire blowouts, there are a number of risks to be aware of. Autoworks of Atlanta is here to help you beat the heat and ensure a safe and comfortable driving experience this summer.

Surviving Atlanta’s Summer Roads

  1. Beat the Heat:

    • Check your A/C: Before the summer heat hits, have your car’s air conditioning system inspected and serviced. A functioning A/C system is essential for your comfort and can also help prevent your engine from overheating.
    • Park in the shade: Whenever possible, park your car in a garage or shaded area to reduce the interior temperature. If you must park in the sun, use a windshield sunshade to protect your dashboard and seats from sun damage.
  2. Tire Care:

    • Check tire pressure: Hot weather can cause tire pressure to increase. Check your tire pressure regularly and adjust it to the manufacturer’s recommended levels.
    • Inspect tread depth: Adequate tread depth is crucial for maintaining traction on wet roads. Ensure your tires have sufficient tread, especially during Atlanta’s summer thunderstorms.
  3. Fluids Check:

    • Coolant levels: Ensure your coolant level is adequate to prevent overheating.
    • Other fluids: Check your oil, transmission fluid, and brake fluid levels regularly and top them off as needed.
  4. Battery Health:

    • Battery test: Heat can accelerate battery wear and tear. Have your battery tested before summer and replace it if necessary.
    • Clean terminals: Keep your battery terminals clean and free of corrosion for optimal performance.
  5. Emergency Preparedness:

    • Roadside kit: Keep a well-stocked emergency kit in your car, including water, snacks, a first-aid kit, jumper cables, and a flashlight.
    • Stay hydrated: Always carry water in your car to stay hydrated, especially on long drives.

Autoworks of Atlanta: Your Summer Car Care Partner

At Autoworks of Atlanta, we’re here to help you prepare your car for the Atlanta summer. We offer comprehensive maintenance services, including A/C checks, tire inspections, and fluid checks, to ensure your vehicle is in top shape for the hot weather.


Atlanta summers can be tough on your car, but with proper care and preparation, you can avoid breakdowns and enjoy a smooth, safe driving experience.

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